Millions of men suffer chronic problems with their sexual wellness including a decline of erectile quality. Many of them are looking for a drug-free boost to improve their sexual health.
A number of factors cause problems associated with erectile function. As men get older,vascular responsiveness diminishes. Nitric Oxide is an important driver for regulation of blood flow to the genital area and plays a critical role in sex drive and sexual satisfaction. Sexual health can also be affected by chronic illness, poor lifestyle habits, poor blood flow, or fatigue.
Edox® is a patented combination of three potent ingredients clinically proven to increase a man’s ability to achieve and sustain an erection. Edox® can help recapture the sexual pleasure and passion that time diminishes. Edox® can help revitalize your sexual performance, put an end to performance anxiety, restore your confidence and achieve the kind of pleasure and satisfaction you thought were no longer possible.
Edox® is a proprietary blend of l-Arginine, citrulline and Pycnogenol® – French maritime pine bark extract. Together they increase nitric oxide production, stimulate circulation and blood flow and protect blood vessels from the damage that can occur from normal aging. This combination has a beautifully synergistic effect on blood flow into the vessel and enhances responsiveness, sexual stamina and enjoyment.
Edox® is an all-natural product comprised of the patented combination of Pycnogenol®, L-Arginine and L-Citrulline which has never shown any degree of toxicity or harmful side effects. Furthermore, Edox® is safe, effective, beneficial and often less expensive than many of the other therapies for improving sexual performance. In addition to improving sexual performance, Pycnogenol® is a potent antioxidant with numerous additional health care benefits that include improvement in fertility status and enhancement of overall cardiovascular health.
Edox® is a safe, all natural, and scientifically documented method to enhanced sexual performance. Edox® taken daily will restore your sexual confidence and provide sexual wellness for you and your partner.
Arginine and citrulline, are amino acids found in many foods, has been shown to be safe in amounts as high as 30 grams. Pycnogenol® is a naturally occurring antioxidant with essentially no known toxicity.
Sources of Arginine and Citrulline in food:
Animal Proteins: are a source of both arginine and citrulline, however citrulline is found in very small amounts in these types of foods.
Plant Proteins: Grains, Vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds also have both but are also a better source for arginine than citruline.
Watermelon however is a rich source of citrulline.
A small percentage of people may experience flushing or headaches when they initially start using Edox®. However, this should lessen with continuing usage. If you are seriously ill, on multiple medications, suffer from sever hypertension or heart disease, consult with you physician before using Edox®.
Edox® is a patented proprietary blend of L-Arginine, L-Citrulline and Pycnogenol®. These important nutrients help protect, restore, and sustain endothelial function, increase nitric oxide levels and improve vascular integrity and blood flow to the genital region. Through these mechanisms, Edox® naturally enhances erectile function as well as sexual performance.
The recommended dose is two tablets daily. The two tablets maybe taken at once a day or one tablet twice a day.
The ingredients in Edox® require a limited period of time to maximize their effectiveness and prime the vascular system to become more responsive. Edox®’s initial benefit is dependent on comorbidities which include advancing age, smoking history, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other health issues associated with declining sexual function. Research showed that a majority of men will begin to experience improvement in sexual performance during the initial four weeks of usage. Edox® is a daily supplement and does not perform as medications do. Over a period of time continued benefit of Edox® is sustained with just two tablets per day.
L-Arginine begins working immediately to enhance penile blood flow with resultant improvement in the quality and duration of an erection. The maximum benefit of Edox®, however, will accrue over an extended period of time as the health of the vascular system continues to improve.
After four weeks of Edox® usage, the blood vessel responsiveness should have improved sufficiently for one to experience the maximum benefit. At this juncture, one will become aroused and erect more easily and be able to sustain an erection for a longer period of time.
EDOX® supports the body-own mechanism of nitric oxide and thus restores the natural process leading to an erection. More importantly, during regular supplementation with EDOX® healthy production of nitric oxide is restored. This allows men to indulge in a youthful sex life including spontaneous sexual arousal. Sildenafil and other PDE5’s inhibits the processes triggered by nitric oxide, thus amplifying the activity of residual nitric oxide produced. If your physician has prescribed sildenafil or an equivalent drug he has done so for treatment of a diagnosed disease: erectile dysfunction. Please consult your physician for treatment options.
EDOX® is an all natural way to enhanced sexual wellness. And that will build security and confidence that makes you feel capable of achieving greater satisfaction for yourself and your partner*.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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